collagen fibril

Collagen is most abundant in animal tissues as very long fibrils with a characteristic axial periodic structure. The fibrils provide the major biomechanical scaffold for cell attachment and anchorage of macromolecules, allowing the shape and form of tissu

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  • For example, using AFM–based nanoindentation it has been shown that a single collagen fibr...
    Collagen - Wikipedia
  • Collagen is most abundant in animal tissues as very long fibrils with a characteristic axi...
    Collagen fibril formation. - PubMed Central (PMC)
  • *fibril 和 網狀纖維(Reticular fiber) 類似,不過 網狀纖維(Reticular fiber) 得更為細小、排列雜亂 ... D. 形成一條filament...
    膠原纖維(Collagen fiber, white fiber) - 小小整理網站 ...
  • Looking for online definition of collagen fibrils in the Medical Dictionary? collagen fibr...
    Collagen fibrils | definition of collagen fibrils by Medical ...
  • Collagen is most abundant in animal tissues as very long fibrils with a characteristic axi...
    Collagen fibril formation | Biochemical Journal
  • I. Introduction Collagen constitutes the major proteinaceous weight of the mammalian body,...
    Collagen Fibril Form and Function - ScienceDirect
  • A scanning electron microscope (SEM) can be used to observe specific details on larger fib...
    Fibril - Wikipedia
  • Collagen Fibril Formation and Its Applications in Nano-technology Zhongmin Shen Our goal i...
    Collagen Fibril Formation and Its Applications in ...
  • The collagen molecule or the tropocollagen contains subunits that assemble without assista...
    Collagen Fibrillar Structure -
  • 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供collagen fibril的中文意思,collagen fibril的用法讲解,collagen fibril的读音,collagen fibril...
    collagen fibril是什么意思_collagen fibril的翻译_音标_读音_用 ...